Tracking Basics Last update : May 21, 2020
Learn how tracking works and what is it exaclty.
A tracking system is a special software allow you to analyse traffic on a website.
To do that, the system create a session on his server and make it corresponding to Advertiser, Campaign, Publisher, etc.
To well understand, we take an example. An Advertiser decides to buy some traffic for his e-commerce website.
He has some banners and mailers to promote his website and only wants to pay for registration.
You are agree to promote the campaign and integrate it on AmaretAds.
Know it's time to send traffic, and you have some interested Publisher to send some traffic.
With your Advertiser, you determined who can diffuse the campaign or not.
Traffic start and AmaretAds return some conversions.
During this time, you and Advertiser use platform to analyse and measure traffic.
But how system know who send traffic and for which mailer or banner ?
This is where tracking comes in. He creates a session to every users which clicks on tracked link, store it and waiting for other informations.
Tracking system overview
To know where the traffic comes from and for which campaign, tracking system store some details when a user click on tracked link.
The user click on the link, AmaretAds store some details of user and redirect instantly the user to the Advertiser page. (Deposit of tracking details is totally transparent for the user)
User consult the website and decide to register.
Advertiser website redirects the user on a confirmation page and request AmaretAds pixel or postback.
AmaretAds find the session according to the click made by the user and add a conversion for the given publisher, the given campaign, etc.

More details about session
Session is the pivot of the tracking system. He stores a lot of details about user.
Parameter | Informations |
Advertiser ID | Advertiser details |
Campaign ID | Campaign details |
Asset ID | Asset details |
Publisher ID | Publisher details |
Support ID | Support details |
IP Address | User's IP address |
Country | User's country |
Device | User's device and device type (Mobile, Desktop, Tablet) |
Publisher Datas | All data added as parameter in the link |
Referrer URL | The link which contains your tracked link (For example, the website on which a banner is placed) |
Provider Details | Campaign provider, Publisher provider, Business Provider etc |