Statistics Reports Last update : Aug 06, 2020
The best way to manage your campaigns is to often follow statistics. This permit you to optimize your Advertiser and Publisher ROI.
To show your statistics, AmaretAds allow you to make some report according to your needs.
With this report, you can access to all statistics you want about conversions.
Access to Report
To access Report, you need to be connected and go to "Statistics" > "Report"

How report work
Before beginning you need to know that report can be directly showable (By clicking "show" button) or save (By clicking on "Save") button.
Save a report allow you to load it without having to fill in the fields.
Only two fields are mandatory : Start Date and Group by (Also Name field for saving)
All other field are here to filter your statistics according to your needs.
Let's linger on the "group by" field.
This field allow you to group statistics by Entities you want.
For example, if you check "day" and "campaign", you will get on line by campaign by day (According to filter you put in other fields).

Previous image show you columns in Admin mode. Other interface doesn't have all these columns and depends on needs for given interface.