Manage Conversions Last update : Aug 06, 2020

AmaretAds allow you to manage all conversion available in platform. Learn how to deal with this feature.


AmaretAds allow you to get back some conversion type for each campaign.
It can be usefull to manage this conversion, that's why we propose you a simple way to manage them.

Access to Conversions Manager

To access Conversion Manager, you need to be connected and go to "Statistics" > "Conversions"

Filter Fields details

Now you are in the Conversion Manager, you can use filter to get all conversions you want.
AmaretAds allow you to use some filter field according to interface you use.

Field Allow
Business Provider
Start Date Choose the from creation date to filter conversions.
End Date Choose the end creation date to filter conversions.
Advertiser Choose one or more Advertiser to filter conversions.
Campaign Choose one or more Campaign to filter conversions.
Asset Choose one or more Asset to filter conversions.
Asset types Choose one or more Asset type to filter conversions.
Publisher Choose one or more Publisher to filter conversions.
Support Choose one or more Support to filter conversions.
Support Types Choose one or more Support Types to filter conversions.
Country Choose one or more Country to filter conversions.
Conversion Goal Choose one or more Conversion Goal to filter conversions.
Provider Choose one or more Provider(Admin) to filter conversions.
Business Provider Choose one or more Business Provider to filter conversions.
Type Choose one or more Conversion Type to filter conversions.
Status Choose one or more Campaign to filter conversions.
Publisher datas Here you can put some key/value pair that publisher add to click link. (For example, you can put "source" in key and "my_source" in value)

Please note that all informations are not available for other user than Admin. For example, an Advertiser can't see the Publisher and Publisher can't see the Advertiser. They can only see the cool id of them.

Show/Edit a Conversion

On Conversion List you can find an action button that allow you to show/edit a conversion.


This part is only available for Admin and Advertiser users.

When you click on edit you can find a lot of information about this conversion.
You can also change status and reference, the others field are not editable.

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