System & Custom Macros Last update : May 21, 2020

List all system macros and some details about custom macro.


In a the previous article How Parameters & Macros works, we learn how macros works.
In this article we list all reserved macros for AmaretAds and how to customize your links to work with custom macros.

System reserved macros

These macros are always available when AmaretAds provides data needed by an Advertiser or a Publisher.
We recommend you to nether use these macros as parameter in tracked link to not disturb system.

Common system macros

Macros Details
{transaction_id} A unique session id refer to the user tracked. This session id can generate more than one conversion.
{ip} Current user's IP address. Please note that can be hidden for GPDR
{user_agent} Current user's agent : details about device, device type, OS, browser etc send by user's browser. Please note that can be hidden for GPDR.
{device_type} User's device type (Mobile, Desktop, Tablet or Robot).
{platform} User's OS (Windows, iOS, etc). Please note that can be hidden for GPDR.
{device} User's exact device (iPhone 11, Samsung S9, etc). Please note that can be hidden for GPDR.
{browser} User's browser (Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc). Please note that can be hidden for GPDR.
{session_ip} IP store in session for the user. Can be usefull when you receive a lead or sale event in postback pixel (Current IP is server IP and not user IP for a postback)
{session_ua} User Agent store in session for the user. Can be usefull when you receive a lead or sale event in postback pixel (Current IP is server IP and not user IP for a postback)
{conversion_id} A unique ID references to conversion (Click, Display, Lead, Sale).
{campaign_id} Campaign database ID. 32 alphanumerics characters.
{campaign_cool_id} Pretty campaign id. Integer incremented
{publisher_source} Publisher ID in database. 32 alphanumerics characters.
{publisher_name} Publisher Login.
{publisher_company_name} Publisher Company Name.
{publisher_cool_id} Pretty Publisher ID. Integer incremented.
{support_source} Support ID in database. 32 alphanumerics characters.
{support_name} Support Name.
{support_cool_id} Pretty Support ID. Integer incremented.
{asset_id} Asset ID in database. 32 alphanumerics characters.
{asset_name} Asset name.
{asset_cool_id} Pretty asset id. Integer incremented
{tracked_object_id} Tracked object ID in database. 32 alphanumerics characters. More details on "TrackedObject".
{revenue} Revenue of the conversion if generated. If not, revenue return 0
{repayment} Repayment of the conversion if generated. If not, repayment return 0

Pixel/Postback system macros

These macros come from Advertiser data provides in AmaretAds' pixel/postback
Refer to Customize Pixel & Postback article for more details.

Macros Details
{amount} Usefull for a sale.
{ref} A reference of the conversion provide by Advertiser system
{adv1} Special key reserved for Advertiser to push some data. Usefull for conversion goals (Refer to "Manage Conversion Goal" article)
{adv2} Special key reserved for Advertiser to push some data. Usefull for conversion goals (Refer to "Manage Conversion Goal" article)
{adv3} Special key reserved for Advertiser to push some data. Usefull for conversion goals (Refer to "Manage Conversion Goal" article)
{adv4} Special key reserved for Advertiser to push some data. Usefull for conversion goals (Refer to "Manage Conversion Goal" article)
{adv5} Special key reserved for Advertiser to push some data. Usefull for conversion goals (Refer to "Manage Conversion Goal" article)

Custom Macro

If you need more macro it's possible and very permissive on AmaretAds tracking system.
To better explain, let's take an example.
Our advertiser want to get a specific source name for every publishers in his link.
For Publisher 1 he wants : pub1 and for Publisher 2 he wants : pub2.

Current system macros not permit to do that
With your platform, you can add all macro you want by adding a parameter to your tracked link.
Example :{source_needed_by_advertiser}
Here AmaretAds automatically create a macro named "adv_source" according to parameter name.
In Advertiser's link you need to put {adv_source} to return the content of parameter "adv_source" in your tracked link.

Advertiser's link looks like :{adv_source}
So for publisher 1, tracked link :
Redirect to advertiser link :

You can use all parameter you want and just enclosed parameter name by brackets "{}" to use it as macro
Except reserved parameter and macros

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