Manage User List Last update : Jun 23, 2020

Work on User List to collect customer's data.


User List is an special entity provide by AmaretAds to allow you to collect some data about customers.
It's like a database which you select all fields you want to store and there types.

It's very useful to collect some leads !

Create User List

To create a User List, go to "Parameters" > "User List" and click on "New" link.

Now you can put your information on all field to create it and Validate.

Field Mandatory Details
Name Yes Name for User List. This field will be displayed in everything related to User Lists in the platform
Country Yes Select a country for your User List.
Status Yes Select the status of your User List.
Advertiser Yes Choose the Advertiser concerns by this User List

Associate fields to User List

Now your User List is created, you can associate any fields you want.
By default, AmaretAds add some fields : Email, IP, Created At, User Agent, Source Url. Feel free to remove field you don't need.


Email is the only field use by AmaretAds to determinate a duplicate lead. If you remove them, platform can't return duplicate.

Platform Field

AmaretAds has some basics field already available to associate, you can select it in "Fields" input and click on add.

Field Type Details
Email Email Customer's Email. Need to be a valid email.
IP IP Customer's IP Address. Need to be a valid IP address.
Source Url Url Customer's source url. Need to be a valid URL.
User Agent Text Customer's user agent.
Created At DateTime Customer's Subscribe Date and time. Need to be a valid DateTime (Example : 2020-06-23 13:59:01).
Firstname Text Customer's Firstname.
Lastname Text Customer's Lastname.
Civility Civility Customer's civility. 1 for Madam, 2 for Miss, 3 for Mister.
Dob Date of Birth Customer's Date of Birth. Need to be a valid date (Example : 1992-01-23)
City Text Customer's city.
Zipcode Text Customer's zipcode.
Country Text Customer's country.

Custom Fields

To satisfy all your needs, AmaretAds allow to create your own field.
To create a custom field, insert the name in "Custom name" field and choose a type.
When you add it, platform add automatically a prefix "custom_" to the field name.
For example, if you want put "address" in "Custom name" field, AmaretAds create "custom_address".


All platform and custom fields associate to a User List can be use as macro.

Field types details

Previously, we see how to create a custom field by define name and type.
All type are here to preserve integrity of your data by check if format is the good one or not.

Type Details
Text There is no particular checking on this type.
Number Field need to be a number and not contain any alphabetic characters.
Select Here you can define all key accepted by this field and the value to have make relation to the key. (Example : 1 for Owner, 2 for Tenant)
Date Field need to be valid date with format : Y-m-d. (Example : 2020-06-23)
DateTime Field need to be valid date time with format : Y-m-d H:i:s. (Example : 2020-06-23 13:59:01)
Email Field need to be valid email.
Ip Field need to be valid IP address (ipv4 or ipv6).
Url Field need to be valid URL/Link.
Civility This type is used for customer title, it's like a select type but it's fixed with : 1 for Madam, 2 for Miss, 3 for Mister.
Date of birth Similar to Date, this type is only here to separate date of birth from basic Date. Format is the same Y-m-d (Example : 1992-01-23).
Phone Specific to phone number fields, this type no add specific checking but permit to inform your Publisher when you track an Asset.
Full Phone This type need a full phone with dialcode. The field value detect if the value is a well formatted phone number and add some useful macro automatically.
Macros get the name of field and add some suffix :
  • {custom_fieldname_dialcode} : To get only phone number dialcode
  • {custom_fieldname_country} : To get phone number country
  • {custom_fieldname_national_number} : To get national phone number without dialcode

Manage Webservice

In addition, AmaretAds also permit you to send all accepted lead by this User List to some Webservice.

Field Mandatory Details
URL Yes Put the link of your webservice here and replace parameter values by macro (You can use system macro or user list field by adding your field key inside bracket, refer to : How Parameters & Macros works and System & Custom Macros
OK return Yes This part is use to put the return of your webservice URL when he accepts the data.
OK check type Yes Sometimes the content of accepted data can change, this part permit you to ask to AmaretAds to detect accepted content in "OK return" field on different way. Strict : Exact content of "OK return" field, Like : Contain "OK Return" field but can have some elements before or after, Start_with : Webservice return begin by "OK Return" field, End_with : Webservice return end with "OK Return" fields
Duplicate return No This part is use to put the return of webservice URL when he already have this data.
Duplicate check type No Sometimes the content of duplicate data can change, this part permit you to ask to AmaretAds to detect accepted content in "Duplicate return" field on different way. Strict : Exact content of "Duplicate return" field, Like : Contain "Duplicate Return" field but can have some elements before or after, Start_with : Webservice return begin by "Duplicate Return" field, End_with : Webservice return end with "Duplicate Return" fields
Advertiser No You can select only lead from a given Advertiser
Campaign No You can select only lead from a given Campaign
Asset No You can select only lead from a given Asset
Conversion Goal No You can select only lead from a given Conversion Goal
Publisher No You can select only lead from a given Publisher
Support No You can select only lead from a given Support

You can also add some target to send lead only in specific condition or to format some fields

Function Details Fields
Check age Associate to a Date or DateTime field, this function permit you to accept only data with a given age
  • Minimum : The minimum age needed (Let empty to don't give minimum)
  • Maximum : The maximum age needed (Let empty to don't give maximum)
  • Type : By default, age is calculated in years, but you can also target by months or days
Format Date In AmaretAds, date and datetime format are fixed when you generate a tracked leadgen. This function permit you to change date/datetime format to send in Advertiser url/webservice
  • To format : Format you want to put in Advertiser url (Refer to Date Format to know more about format
  • From format : By default, from format need to be "Y-m-d" for a date and "Y-m-d H:i:s" for a datetime
Replace Associate to a given field, you can associate the part you get in your tracked asset to another value that was replace in Advertiser Link
  • In : Value you get on AmaretAds side
  • Out : Value associate to send to Advertiser
Contain This function allow you to check if the given field contain a given value, if not, the data was rejected.
  • Strict/Like : Define if values you put in "Contain values" field need to match exactly the data field (Strict) or if the data field value is just a part of "Contain values" field (Like)
  • Contain Values : Put all values you want to check separated by comma
Uncontain This function allow you to check if the given field not contain a given value, if he contains, the data was rejected.
  • Strict/Like : Define if values you put in "Uncontain values" field need to match exactly the data field (Strict) or if the data field value is just a part of "Contain values" field (Like)
  • Uncontain Values : Put all values you want to check separated by comma
Check sex Associate to a title field, this function permit you to accept only a specific sex
  • Sex choice : Choose accepted sex
Department This function, associate with a zipcode value field, permit you to target department
  • Department : You can put one department by line using add and delete button or put all department in one line separated by comma.
Regex To allow you to make what you want with AmaretAds, this function permit you to add target by specify a Regex.
Regex is powerful to check all you want, but it's a little bit complicated for none IT users.
For more informations : Regex Format
  • Regex : Insert your regex without any delimiter
Title replace Associate to a title field, this function permit you to replace AmaretAds title value by another one to send to your Advertiser.
Our platform get always : 1 for madam, 2 for Miss, 3 for Mister
  • Madam : Put value your Advertiser needs for Madam
  • Miss : Put value your Advertiser needs for Miss
  • Mister : Put value your Advertiser needs for Mister
Format Phone This function can be associate to text, phone and full_phone field. She allows you to give to your advertiser the phone in a specific format.
  • Default Country : If you put dialcode, AmaretAds can detect the country, but sometimes customers can put a bad dialcode or other. That's why it's important to put the default country to use when we can't detect country.
  • Format : Choose the format needed by your Advertiser. Examples - National : 01 23 45 67 89, National without space : 0123456789, International : +331 23 45 67 89, E164 : +33123456789, RFC3966 : +331-23-45-67-89
Format Phone Associate to a full_phone field, this function allow you to only accept phone number for specific countries
  • Contain or Uncontain : Define if phone number countries need to be contain or uncontain in "Countries" values field
  • Countries : List of Countries your field need to contain or uncontain

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